Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Boswellia, a great natural anti-inflammatory

Boswellia Complex has helped many of my patients with pain. Standard Process makes a good supplement called Boswellia Complex. It has both Boswellia and Tumeric, and they are both great natural anti-inflammatory supplements. Before taking any supplement you should speak with your health provider. Some supplements can cause reactions with medications.

Non-invasive Neuropathy treatment

Neuropathy can be caused by diabetes, chemothearpy treatment, spinal stenosis, auto-immune diseases or other diseases. It usually occurs in the feet and or the hands. The sensory nerves degnerate and lose there ability to function properly. We have treatments that can help.

Parkinson's and acupuncture

New studies suggest that acupuncture maybe helpful for patients that suffer with parkinson's disease.